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Plan Your Plants

Bring a party to your garden! Plan Your Plants was created because of a love of providing habitats for our pollinator friends. Bees, butterflies, and beetles have some of the biggest pollinator populations in our ecosystem, yet they are losing their habitats at rapid rates. This will have devastating effects on our society. One way to combat this habitat destruction is to plant more places for them to live, including your garden.

When using other tools to design and plan gardens it can sometimes be difficult to be able to customize what goes in the garden. For example, if someone lives in Colorado, the plants that might thrive in that environment are different than one might need in Seattle. For this reason the tool allows the user to input the types of plants based on what works best for them.

Plan Your Plants facilitates harmony with both the digital and physical world. This tool allows a user the opportunity to bring something to life virtually through digital creation and directly correlate that to bringing something to life in the outside world. Once a user has planned their garden, they can save an image of the map and bring that with them as they gather plants and begin to put them into their gardens.